marți, 30 iulie 2024

moartea artei

                                                  Alex Mirutziu left the group.

Ioana Ciocan left the group.

Anca Benera Arnold Estefan left the group.

Anca Stirbacu left the group.

Vlad Basalìcì left the group.

Tristan Daniel Nicolas left the group.

Tudor Borduz left the group.

Cosmin Costinas left the group.

Claudiu Cobilanschi left the group.

Eduard Gabia left the group.

Adriana Butoi left the group.

Arnold Schlachter left the group.

Madalina Dan left the group.

Irina Botea Bucan left the group.

Elena Album left the group.

Dan Perjovschi left the group.

Magda Radu left the group.

Adi Schiop left the group.

Daria Ghiu left the group.

Anamaria Pravicencu left the group.

Malina Ionescu left the group.

Alexandra Pirici left the group.

Silvia Saitoc left the group.

Carmen Dobre-Hametner left the group.

Dan Piersinaru left the group.

Sanda Watt left the group.

Matei Caltia left the group.

Sorina-Adina Vazelina left the group.

Ciprian Muresan left the group.

Suzana Dan left the group.

Baroncea Maria left the group.

Adriana Gheorghe left the group.

George Enache left the group.

Paul Dunca left the group.

Bianca Băilă left the group.

Diana Marincu left the group.

Ioana Gheorghiu left the group.

Simona Dumitriu left the group.

Nicolae Comanescu left the group.

Irlo Doidoi left the group.

Domnul Valentin left the group.

Stefan Sava left the group.

Veda Popovici left the group.

Sandra Demetrescu left the group.

Rasovszky Gheorghe left the group.

Ana Szel left the group.

Vasile Leac left the group.

Andra Iachim left the group.

Irina Carabas left the group.

Igor Mocanu left the group.

Matei Samihaian left the group.

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de ce e lazany un țărănoi prost?

de ce e lazany, proaspătul primar al bistritei, un țărănoi prost? paganus - etimologic, locuitor de la țară asa a inceput umanitatea, spriji...